Landscape Design & Installation FAQS

How do I get started with my Landscape project?

Fill out the form at the bottom of this page or call us at 516-334-0068. 

What does the consultation fee include?

The consultation fee includes an at-home visit where we further review your vision and goals and assess the property/area. We’ll discuss timeline, budget, preferences and any specific requirements that you have.  Our goal is to fully understand your needs to enable us to create your dream landscape. 

Do I get a plan or a drawing for my own?

We create a rendering for our clients at no charge to help you visualize the project, but the rendering is not released to you unless you proceed forward with the project.

Does the installation have a guarantee?

Yes. Hicks Landscapes offers a two-year warranty on all trees and shrubs planted by our installation crews.

Can you work with a design I already have?

Yes, we can work with a pre-existing design you have.  We will evaluate it and give you a project quote based on that design or modify it, if needed and mutually agreed upon.

Can I use my own contractors?

Yes, you can. The Hicks Landscapes crew would install the plantings and if you have contractors that you have worked well with in the past, such as masons, irrigation contractors or others, we can discuss collaborating with them on your project.  However, please know that Hicks Landscapes is a complete design/build company and can accomplish all phases of landscape construction with our experienced and trusted tradespeople.

How do you proceed with my budget constraints?

We work with you to set a realistic budget outline. This helps us determine together where to best utilize the investment in your landscape.


Can you tell me how much my project is going to cost me?

Once we complete your At-Home-Consultation, we will be able to develop your project into a detailed proposal that we will present to you. The proposal will include all deliverables and cost.

Does your company perform maintenance?

Yes, our extended care seasonal maintenance program is designed to focus on horticultural and landscape aftercare services. This type of maintenance is different than, and often not what is provided by your lawn maintenance company or gardener.

Can I implement my project in stages?

Yes. Many of our projects are completed in phases and we can execute a complete master plan including all phases of planting and construction.


Let's Start a Conversation

Here's How:

1.  Fill out the inquiry form on this page and we will contact you within 48 hours.

2.  You can also call 516-334-0068 to speak with a member of our staff. 

3.  If you're planning to visit Hicks Nurseries, you can stop by the Nursery Help Center in the tree & shrub yard and get the process started there.  Open during regular store hours.  

Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you!

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